Raw Space Set up

Exhibitors of raw space booths should submit the application materials to the Organizing Committee for the approval by the Exhibition Center and Fire Security Department no later than May 12, 2025.

★ Application materials for booth below 4.5 meters: 
a. Booth perspective drawing (1 front-side and 2 sides) 
b. Ground floor plan 
c. Detailed booth material checklist 
d. Fire protection facility layout and equipment list 
e. Circuit diagram and lamp diagram 
f. Form3B-Special Booth Safety Responsibility Letter 
g. Sketch of Stand (Form 3C) 
★ Application materials for booth higher than 4.5 meters, two story booth and outdoor booth: 
※ The construction area of the second floor booth shall not exceed 50% of the entire booth area.

Forms Form Names Notes
Form 3A Registration of Booth Contractor (Raw Space Only) Subscribe on-line
Form 3B Special Booth Safety Responsibility Letter Original copy duly signed and stamped by exhibitor and contractor should be sent to the organizer
Form 3C Sketch of Stand Necessary for all raw space booth
Form 4 Regulations on the Booth Construction of Large Exhibition Original copy duly signed and stamped by exhibitor and contractor is required for booth higher than 4.5 meters, two story booth and outdoor booth
Form 5A Building Approval for Two-storey and Outdoor Stand Design Original copy duly signed and stamped by exhibitor and contractor is required for Two-storey booth and outdoor booth
Form 5B Regulations on Booth Construction & Design Drawing Review (For Two-storey and Outdoor Stand Design)
Form 5C Notice (For Two-storey and Outdoor Stand Design)
Form 6A Building Approval For Indoor Special Design Stand Original copy duly signed and stamped by exhibitor and contractor is required for booth higher than 4.5 meters
Form 6B Regulations on Booth Construction & Design Drawing Review (For Indoor Special Design Stand)
Form 6C Notice (For Indoor Special Design Stand)
Cost of Raw Space Contractor 
Please refer to Form 3A for detailed bank account information 
★ Raw space deposit (refund after move-out)

Credit card payment for construction deposit will not be accepted.
Type Space Amount
Single-storey stand at a height not exceeding 4.5m Space≤36m2 RMB 10,000
36m2<Space≤72m2 RMB 20,000
72m2<Space≤180m2 RMB 30,000
180m2<Space≤450m2 RMB 40,000
Space >450m2 RMB 50,000
Two-storey stand or Single-storey stand at a height exceeding 4.5m RMB 50,000
Before construction, stand contractors will have to apply for Contractor Admission Badge before move-in. Admission badges will not be issued to stand contractors without the receipt or invoice of payment.

If stand contractors did not violate any rules and regulations of exhibition, kept all facilities in hall safe during construction to move-out period, and removed all materials out of hall after move-out period, raw space deposit will be refunded by the organizing committee after staff checks everything in booth is OK. Contractors can obtain the refund at the office of Follow Me Exhibition Int'l (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. after the ending of the exhibition. Address: Rm 907, No.425 Yishan Rd., Shanghai, China.

★ Drawing Review Fee(booth at a height exceeding 4.5 meters, two-storey booth and outdoor booth must pay for it)

Drawing Review Fee for 2-story booth: RMB 80/sqm. The area being charged will include: area on 2nd story, area on ground story(calculated by size of vertical orthogonal projection on the groundfloor) and area of staircase. For all booths approved by Grade A National Registered Structural Engineer, the drawing re-inspection fee shall be charged at RMB 40/sqm.Drawing Review Fee for outdoor booth: RMB80/sqm. The reviewed area is calculated upon the actual area of special booth design.

Drawing Review Fee for outdoor booth: RMB 80/sqm. The reviewed area is calculated upon the actual area of special booth design.

Drawing Review Fee for one-story booth: RMB 60/sqm. The reviewed area is calculated upon the actual area of special booth design. For all booths approved by Grade A National Registered Structural Engineer, the drawing re-inspection fee shall be charged at RMB 30/sqm.

★Construction Management Fee: Raw space exhibitors or booth contractors have to pay the construction management fee at RMB 35/m2

★ Facility Renting Cost: Electricity, Air Compressor, Water and Telephone Renting cost. (Details on : Form 7 Facility Renting)

★Overtime work: Exhibitors are required to inform the Organizing Committee of any overtime work before 15:00 each day during stand construction and dismantling time and pay the overtime fees in cash. Overdue application will be charged an addition 50% late fee. 
The overtime fee will be charged as below:
08:00-22:00(Move-in)    1500.00 RMB/Hour/Booth
22:00-08:00(Move-in)    3000.00 RMB/Hour/Booth
22:00-08:00(Move-out)  3000.00 RMB/Hour/Booth

★ Badges pre-ordering