Sponsorship Opportunities include sponsorship for Welcome Reception, Exhibitor Feature Report, Conference, etc. As a sponsor, you will gain a rare chance to promote your brand and showcase your leadership, which will help you seek more clients and partners. Please click Download Center to download the ads contract of SNEC PV POWER EXPO and check the detailed specifications, locations and prices, or click here to apply online.

How to apply for advertising?
Please download and complete the Ads Application From, then return it to Contract Upload


Item Price Item Price Item Price
TeraWatt Sponsor $100,000 Special Co-organizer $33,000 Sponsorship for Conference To be negotiated
GigaWatt Sponsor $83,000 Co-organizer $17,000 Sponsorship for Welcome Reception $38,000
MegaWatt Sponsor $50,000 Sponsorship for Hall $17,000 Sponsorship for Gala Dinner $38,000
Ad Item Price (US$)
Exhibition bag $8,300/10,000pcs
Visitor Card $25,000/ exhibition period
Visitor Card lanyard $25,000/ exhibition period
Exhibitor Card $25,000/ exhibition period
Exhibitor Card lanyard $25,000/ exhibition period
VIP Card, Speaker Card, Delegate Card and lanyard $25,000/ exhibition period
Company promotional materials to be distributed with exhibition bag $3,300/ exhibition period